End of year blog 2020

A year like no other is coming to an end and I just wanted to say that, despite the numerous challenges presented to us, the whole team has responded magnificently demonstrating a deep-routed culture of mutual support and understanding. My thanks and appreciation go to you all. I have known for ages that it was all about the people and so I want to mention some of the ways that we have progressed as an organisation to put us in such a strong position looking forward to 2021 and the part that the individuals have played in that.

Everyone has developed a ‘teams’ persona whether it’s during a virtual rendezvous with genial GP ‘doctor’ Martin Spear, ‘cat juggling’ Esther Brown, ‘squeezed under the stairs’ whispering Michael Hanson or ‘wild man of the woods’ Jonathan Platt. Sometimes they all appear at once on screen like a mad version of University Challenge.

I thought some like borrowing the cool neutral background of a beautifully tasteful modern kitchen until I eventually realised that in Olia Kyritsi’s case it was actually her real kitchen.  Some like Tom Mellor, Tom Hubbard and Matt Andrews like fading out the domestic child strewn chaos in which they obviously live while Owen Faunt either has many rooms in his house or a different selection of bold wallpapers in each. Sarah Markroum looks as though she is just about to pick up an instrument and sing us a song and Matt Bonney has been sitting next to his match pot decorated wall for most of the year.


Natalie Lock likes to share her domestic bliss with us occasionally interrupted by child or husband or both and recently we have been able to share the homes of Maria Steward, who’s husband lives, we now know, behind a door curiously located half way up the wall in her kitchen, or Siobhan Tarr who has brought the garden inside her house with her spectacularly green fingers.  James Pilling resides in his person shed in the middle of a building site with bike poised for an early morning spin whilst Jon Briscoe organises our every waking hour with benevolent decisiveness and our recently distanced genial voice of reason and wisdom Colin Powell looks over us and after us. 

What a dream teams team!


This year really has been full of achievement. Financially we have, more or less, broken even which has been no mean feat on its own.  During a year when we have completed a refurbishment of the office, had to work in bubbles, incurred the considerable cost of converting the business into an Employee Owned Trust and set everyone up with the IT infrastructure to work fairly seamlessly from home or from Corum 2, this performance has been even more remarkable.

The year stared with James Pilling achieving a Part 1 Architectural qualification by distance learning with Oxford Brookes and ended with Esther Brown becoming a fully qualified Architect.  In the middle Sarah Makroum passed her first year of Part 2, again at Oxford Brookes and Own Faunt his first year apprentice Part 1 at South Bank University, both with flying colours.  Matt Bonney and Olia Kyrirtsi became qualified Passivhaus designers and Tom Hubbard became a certified Architectural Technologist.  Congratulations to you all.

Shout outs go to Michael Hanson for his tireless responses to your never-ending technical queries and Michael again with Tom Mellor for masterminding the IT development and eventual delivery of a VOIP telephone system.  Don’t ring us ( and expect to get transferred ) we’ll ring you back!  Lastly a big mention for Esther Brown, Natalie Lock, Matt Bonney and James Pilling for boosting our social media presence to the status of influencers – who would have believed it!

And then there was the actual work!

Happy Christmas to you and yours and I look forward to eventually meeting up with you all in 2021.

Jeremy Pilling

2020 Favourites: Brooks Dye Works

I’ve been involved with the Brooks scheme for about 3 years now, throughout tender design stage to detailed construction, and we are due to handover the first block to the Acorn team before Christmas! It is one of our biggest Revit projects and has been beneficial in developing our strategies, which I am thankful for.

The development is really coming together on site, with the build progress allowing you to imagine the completed scheme. Seeing the finished coloured renders along Southey Street has really made me smile!
— Siobhan Tarr, gcp

We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Siobhan has been involved in delivery several of our larger schemes. Her favourite this year has been the exciting scheme in St Werburghs, delivering 105 dwellings by Halsall for Acron.

2020 Favourites: Avonmouth Community Centre

This has been a really rewarding project to be involved with. gcp have always been enthusiastic about supporting and enabling community organisations to improve their facilities and Avonmouth Community Centre has given us the opportunity to work at length on a project which will dramatically enhance their capability to offer services to the community. The existing Victorian school buildings have been repurposed and reordered as part of a masterplan to provide dedicated meeting spaces, a teaching kitchen, function area and library space. Further phases would look to improve the fabric and include renewable energy provision to reduce ongoing expenditure.
— Michael Hanson, gcp
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We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Michael has chosen this small scheme for Avonmouth Community Centre Association looking to reconfigure and refurbish the existing space.

Advent day 21: DRAW!

Today a festive favourite!

Place a paper plate on your head and draw a picture to a set of instructions:

Ground line.

A circle.

Another on top.

And one more … you’ve guessed it, it’s a snowman.

Add some eyes. A nose. A smile.

Give them three buttons and two arms.

2020 Favourites: Alternative Secret Santa


This year has been certainly been different and we are trying to embrace the changes. Although many have lost their jobs this year, gcp have continued with a steady flow of work. We have decided this year to swap out our Secret Santa with creating care packages for the homeless.

Working alongside Streetlife we were recommended what items would be most beneficial including travel sized toiletries, hats, gloves, socks, snacks and either cards or a note book. For every bag a staff member created, gcp matched with an additional bag.

It’s been great to see so many getting involved in the office!

2020 Favourites: The Paddock, Vinney Green

What I’ve enjoyed most about working on this small, bespoke residential development is that I’ve been able to have a significant design input at a very early stage of my career. For me, this is a reflection of how gcp value opinions and inputs from all those involved in the design process. It’s commonplace to shout buzzwords like co-creation or collaboration but to actually live and breath collaborative design is really rather rare
— Owen Faunt, gcp
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We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. This was Owen’s.

2020 Favourites: Malvern

We were appointed to support the delivery of 14 homes, located next to several Grade II listed buildings. What seemed like a straightforward project, turned out to be quite challenging with a long process of selecting appropriate materials, detailing complex junctions and delays on site due to weather conditions then Covid-19. Despite the many challenges faced, this was a fantastic learning opportunity for me as it was the first project I have lead at construction stage (with fantastic support from 2 others at gcp). I enjoyed attending site meetings and seeing the progress each time I visited site. CTS have been great to work with and have built fantastic, high quality homes
— Esther Brown, gcp
Photo credit: Zest Home Staging for Broadway Herritage

Photo credit: Zest Home Staging for Broadway Herritage

We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Esther chose the completion of 14 dwelling residential scheme in Malvern.

2020 Favourites: Oakfield

My favourite project this year has been Oakfield’s. A not-for-profit, high quality, sustainable housing community in Swindon. It’s really been refreshing working on a project with such variety, and one that is going to make a positive impact on people’s lives
— Matt Andrews, gcp
CGIs by PicturePlane, Metropolitan Workshop and PRP

CGIs by PicturePlane, Metropolitan Workshop and PRP

We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Matt joined the team this year and dove straight into supporting our largest not for profit development delivering 239 quality sustainable homes. gcp are working for contractor Mi-Space, who started on site in April 2020. The first homes will be available to view in autumn 2021.

Advent day 17: Christmas No-Lunch

Christmas lunch day normally consists of an afternoon away from our screens, eating good food, drinking a fair bit of wine and chatting to those colleagues you might not work with on a day-to-day basis. It’s normally a fun event and the one time in the year we can clear our schedules and get together.

This crazy year has meant having to adjust in lots of ways. For the Christmas No-lunch this year, our Events team hosted a “Quiz of the Year” over Teams. In the lead up, we were each delivered a package containing drinks, nibbles and festive headgear for the big event.

Whilst it wasn’t quite the same as being in the same room or eating a fancy meal, much fun was had by all and getting home after a few glasses of wine was certainly easier this year!


2020 Favourites: Trinity Digs

Working on behalf of Trinity Community Arts, gcp secured planning consent to carry out capital improvements so that the site can host and support more community activities. The proposals, developed and approved following several months of consultations with key stakeholders, will see customised timber clad containers installed on site, to provide affordable, low-cost, sustainable hot-desk space as a base for community partners, emerging artists and local start-ups. The Digs project has minimal impact on the historic setting of the listed building and aims to release space in the exiting building for additional programme related activities, therefore has the real potential to consolidate the long-term financial resilience of the centre
— Olia Kyritsi, gcp
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We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Olia has chosen Trinity Digs, a scheme for affordable office space for the community which was granted planning late last year for Trinity Community Arts.

2020 Favourites: Social Media Takeover

The beginning of lockdown was so hectic with everyone trying to get to grips with working from home, home-schooling and collaborating with colleagues in a completely different way. Immediately the media team made the decision to use our Social Media to connect with each other across the distance of lockdown. We wanted to find out what people liked about working from home, to talk about some of the challenges and to bring the varied and vibrant personalities of our team to the forefront of our posts. It was so much fun sharing pictures of our families, pets, home offices and daily walks and it felt like maybe we weren’t as far apart after all.
— Natalie Lock, gcp

We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project or activity of 2020. Our Practice Manager Natalie took over the social’s during Lockdown.

2020 Favourites: Urban Cricket Centre

I chose this project because it is the first project I have taken from concept to completion with gcp. It is also the first pilot scheme in the England and Wales Cricket Board’s (ECB) exciting Urban Cricket Centre Initiative (UCCI) which aims to increase community engagement with cricket, but more importantly sports, health, and wellbeing. Refurbishing an existing building under an accelerated programme created various challenges to solve but working closely with fantastic design and construction teams meant that Phase 1 was opened as part of the 2019 Cricket World Cup, with Phase 2/3 following in Summer 2020. Our client (ECB) and the end user (Waltham Forest) have been delighted with the transformation. We hope to achieve similar success on the future UCCI centres across the UK.
— Matt Bonney, gcp
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We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Matt has worked on several cricket schemes over the past 2 years so no wonder this makes the list of his favourite project.

2020 Favourites: Downend & Frenchay Pavilion

We have a number of sports enthusiasts here at gcp and so it’s always a delight to design facilities to support sport in the community. We’ve been working with Downend & Frenchay Tennis Club to deliver a new pavilion to cater for their growing membership and exciting programmes. We share a passion for sustainable communities with the client and are looking at ways to make the pavilion as self-sufficient as possible with regards to energy generation and use.
— Sarah Makroum, gcp
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We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Sarah couldn’t decide on her favourite so along with Radford Cottage (8th December), she also enjoyed working on Downend & Frenchay Tennis Pavilion.

2020 Favourites: Office Refit

2020 has been a challenging but exciting year at gcp. Lockdown forced us to temporarily vacate our office in Warmley and learn how to work from home. Rather than forgetting about the office we saw this as an opportunity to refurbish our working environment, not just to make it Covid safe, but also to make it a more pleasant place to work when we all return.