Kensington Memorial Park
Water Features
Kensington Memorial Park | London
Client: The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Value: £1.3m
Significant redevelopment of park. As part of a wider commission to improve multiple parks across the Borough, gcp worked closely with the council’s in-house landscape team, the external management contractor and local stakeholder groups to develop this scheme.
The park is a memorial to the local residents who lost their lives in World War I and has been an integral part of the community since 1926.
gcp’s scheme comprised two phases. The first, delivered, phase extended a range of youth play provision, including a major water play park and supporting facility building. The second future phase proposed redevelopment of the café / kiosk and maintenance stores. This project, alongside gcp’s scheme for St Luke’s Gardens played a key part in the Borough’s 10-year Park Strategy.
Services provided: Feasibility Study, Concept Development, Planning Stage Design, Planning Application, Detailed Design, Contract Administration, Community Engagement
Awards Include:
Green Flag status first achieved in 2006, which has been retained following the development.
Archived Play Pathfinder status granted in 2008 as part of the National Play Strategy (The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea was one of 30 local authorities to take part.)
Development CGI
A Community Park